Week 13
Lost = 3lb
Total lost = 3 stone 1/2 lb
I am so happy about this one, it's always great to break another stone barrier :-)
I treated myself to having my hair cut too. You always feel better after that and I wanted it shorter for the Summer
I did a Summer "Spring Clean" this week!! I like to do a major blitz and have a good clear out. All that jumping round cleaning windows and stuff must have worked. I also boosted up the fiber intake as I had let that slip a bit lately.
This weeks food fad was dips, I like my Hummus and added a new one this week, it makes a no fuss lunch that I can keep made in the fridge for when I am busy.
choose one - Breadsticks or Ryvita Mini's |
Tuna and Sweetcorn Dip
1 small can of Tuna in Brine
1 small can Sweetcorn reduced sugar type
3 tablespoons Low cal Thousand Island Dressing or Low Cal Seafood Sauce
Salt & Pepper
Blitz in the processor till smooth
380 Calories for the whole dish or have half for a snack portion